Our Mission
To provide exceptional evidence-based and best-practice treatment to parents and families. We achieve this with a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach when appropriate, modeling efficient, thorough, and extraordinary care.
We are committed to and invested in all parents and family systems.
Our Beliefs
The transition to parenthood is an incredibly complex and vulnerable event that sets the foundation for a family’s life together. All families benefit from support, with each and every stage of growth.
The consequences of early parenthood challenges, including PMADs, can be eradicated with the appropriate treatment and support.
Every parent, baby, and child is different, and optimal functioning is family-specific.
Appropriate support for families requires a deep knowledge of the emotional landscape for early family life, including expertise with PMADs, infant development, relational issues, and biochemical shifts associated with the perinatal period.
Clinicians serve most effectively when they balance expertise with humility and a deep commitment to learning.
Multi-dimensional, collaborative, and holistic support in a team setting is incredibly beneficial for entire family systems.
Mental health and wellness providers require the same nurturing and support that they offer to their clients. Mentorship is essential in our field.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Parent and Family Wellness Center promises to provide care to women and families that is inclusive and equitable. Our on-going work in this area includes:
A pledge from all staff to be personally committed to anti-racism.
Our dedication to creating and providing programs that are both accessible and relevant to all women.
Providing an option for psychotherapy with a bilingual clinician who identifies as BIPOC.
The [Parent and Family Wellness Center] is an incredible asset to any expectant or new mother. They bring a wealth of knowledge and information to anyone who is excited, yet overwhelmed at all the new responsibilities and tasks that come with motherhood.